Learn more about grooming at CAH and request an appointment! Paws up for beautiful kitties! Cats will only be groomed on Mondays, a day when we don’t offer dog grooming. This will give cats a quiet, dog-free space. Cats in for grooming will be brushed & combed. Mats will be removed with a brush or clipper and kitties will be given a bath and blow dry. While we know that owners would often prefer an all-over trim, leaving the hair long, cats don’t tolerate that. Instead, long-haired cats can be clipped down or given a lion cut. Charlene will also trim your cat’s nails and clean their ears while they are in for grooming. Prices range from approximately $75-100 depending on the cat’s condition and behavior. Because cat grooming appointments are limited, we are only offering cat grooming to feline patients of the animal hospital.
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